musée mia burrus

Epitaph for the Tomb of the Unknown Poet

The tomb of the unknown soldier contains the remains
of one unknown soldier disinterred in France
and reburied in the tomb.   
The Canada’s Missing website lists 229
unidentified remains of men and women
who died in the last 50 years.  
Further, in 2014 the City of Toronto 
buried 281 identified but unclaimed remains.  
Where is the tomb for the unknown poets 
among them?

Epitaph for the Tomb of the Unknown Poet
ungerminated seed
unpolished stone
unrealized Apollo
who wrote in water
and on air
whose name left lips
whose love a feather touch
fell far
life-hardened withdrawn
uncertain of the way
broken heart in flesh
entombed within
this stone
the bones of unknown poet
whose name if ever known
may be Anon
March 2017