musée mia burrus

Nothing to see here, folks….

Yesterday’s Art Salon was a little Contemplative Photography field trip to the Cobourg Ecology garden and the salvage littered brownlands behind Legacy. Vicky forgot her camera bag and was reduced to using her old iPhone camera. I was using my old film camera. Vicky shares my disdain for trying to photograph something with only a small LCD screen for reference, the view either wiped out by the sun’s glare or dulled out by the deep shade, the resulting photo altered by the phone’s computer, serving up the image it thinks you want. I not-so-secretly love my old menu-less camera, which I can use without thinking, concentrating on the image I’m forming, but I do have to wait – finish the film – and wait – take it to Peterborough Photo for processing – before I see the results. Which is worse?