musée mia burrus

Thinking about the future…

… within the present intersection of: Theory U and the 3D Mapping exercise from MIT’s U-Lab, The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram, Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein.

There’s no time like the present to acknowledge that the future need not look like the past. The photos are my solo attempt at 3D Mapping, using the hands, the heart, and to a lesser extent, the head, to envisage the future that wants to emerge from the seeds of the present; to answer the questions: Who am I? What is my work? How may I best give of my gifts? What future needs my gifts in order to become reality?

What shifted under my hands in moving from the ‘before’ to the ‘after’ model was 1) getting my head out of the mud, 2) smoothing elements so they flowed, 3) creating connection with gifts. Leonard Cohen, unbidden, called forth the future I dream of, as articulated by David Abram, that “a genuinely ecological approach…strives to enter ever more deeply into the sensorial present”. Let us think of it as something beyond ecology (the mere study of our home) – think of it as ecophily – the love of our home.

The simple poem posted today is a token of my gratitude for the synchronous universe.